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Simple Javascripts

This is basically my library of scripts that I have developed when solving problems. I have stored them here so that I can always find them!! And so that others can improve on them.

Capture Events: onkeypress. This script will capture any keypress.

Capture Events: onkeypress. This script will capture specific keypresses.

Navigation Frame: provides previous/next links to move between an array of pages which are displayed in the main frame.

Random Side Show: displays images at random.

Rollover script: when a user moves their cursor over one image, it will change 2 (or more) different images on the same page.

Rollover script v2: same as the above, but uses an additional function to tidy up the code somewhat.

Simple redirect script: automatically redirects users to a different page.

Playing with windows:

  1. Basic Popup Window
  2. Full Screen Popup Window
  3. Advanced Popup Window
  4. Mimic a Modal Dialogue v1: not suitable for use with a popup form
  5. Mimic a Modal Dialogue v2: suitable for use with a popup form